elton bautista.

full-stack developer.

I get lost writing code! As I sit on my chair and type away at the keyboard all I can think about is what I'm building, how to build it, and what I get to build next. One of my true passions is learning. For me, there's been nothing more exciting to learn than programming. I love this.

Strengths: front-end, ui/ux design, copywriting, customer service, ability to work independently and in teams.

Technologies: TypeScript, JavaScript, React.js, Vue.js, Astro.js, Node.js, Express.js, HTML, CSS/SCSS, Tailwind css, Jest, Firebase, mongodb, git, github, linux

Role models: parents, little sister, David Goggins, Keanu Reeves.

Hobbies: hiking, bouldering, cycling, singing, reading, programming, research, and spending time with my family.

Interests: motivational speaking, stoicism, finance, marketing, web3.

contact me at - emoniebaut@outlook.com ♥